5 Most Common Commercial HVAC Problems

Commercial HVAC Problems and the Solution

Commercial HVAC systems are well made and should perform well for 20+ years of service. While every mechanic system will eventually wear out and any component can develop problems, some problems that lead to failure are avoidable. From years of experience, these are the five most common preventable Commercial HVAC Problems that lead to component or system failures.

Putting Off Preventative Maintenance (PM)

Switch gears for a minute: you searched for your dream car or truck, saved for the down payment, bought it, and brought it home. You plan to drive this thing for years and get all of the driving satisfaction you possibly can. It is your pride, your baby! Yeah! However, you refuse to change the oil regularly, rotate the tires, and ignore the brake pads rubbing metal-to-metal. What a waste that would be!

You probably do not feel the same about the HVAC system and you have never taken anyone on a tour of the mechanical closet. But neglecting preventative maintenance on a commercial HVAC system is as unwise as neglect maintenance on your car.

For most commercial structures the HVAC is essential equipment to keep staff and customers comfortable while doing business with you. Regular maintenance is the TLC that keeps your heating and cooling system at peak performance and ensures the maximum number of years of service. Skipping PM schedules to save costs in the short term will cost you money in the long run.

During a PM visit, HVAC professionals inspect the components of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. They will do some general cleaning, complete minor repairs, and check/adjust control settings. Minor repairs made on a timely basis are less likely to become major repairs.

PM visits should be completed once per year, preferably in the Spring to prepare for cooler temps or in the Fall to prepare for the heating season. Your HVAC professional can track your PM visits and let you know when maintenance is needed.

Forgetting To Change The Air Filter

A preventative maintenance call is scheduled annually, but air filters need to be changed at least every three months. An old folk proverb says, “A horse that belongs to everyone starves.” Unless you assign someone the task of changing the air filters, chances are the task will be neglected.

Air filters trap dust, pollen, dander, and other mostly organic particles; they keep them from clogging and damaging electrical parts. More importantly, they remove them from the air to provide clean, fresh air and reduce the number of particles staff and customers breathe in. A dirty filter reduces airflow, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality.

Not Understanding How To Use The Thermostat

The control mechanism for the HVAC system is called a thermostat. If the thermostat is not functioning properly, neither will your HVAC system. We see several issues with thermostats that have easy fixes.

If the screen on the thermostat is blank, replace the old batteries with fresh batteries. If the screen remains blank, the thermostat may need to be replaced. If so, give us a call; it is not a big issue.

Thermostats in a commercial setting are probably programmable. Find the instruction manual and input your customized settings to meet your building needs.

The placement of the thermostat also affects performance. Do not install thermostats in a location that receives direct sunlight, as the sunlight will skew the temperature and cause the system to work harder. It should be mounted close to the center of the space, away from exterior doors or windows that are frequently opened.

Loss of refrigerant

HVAC systems typically use a gas, called a refrigerant, that acts to cool the air. The gas is put under extreme pressure and is contained in a sealed circuit. If the refrigerant circuit loses its seal or is stolen, try as it may, the system cannot work hard enough to keep your building comfortable.

This is a problem because the AC compressor will continue to work at cooling the space and work too hard. Additional wear and tear will lead to early failure.

Your HVAC professional can try to locate the loss of seal and add refrigerant to the circuit, restoring the function. This process is called recharging and is an easy fix. The cooling function will return to capacity within a few minutes.

Restricted Airflow

The HVAC system moves air throughout your structure through return and supply air ducts. Typically return air registers are located on the wall, sometimes high on the wall. These registers pull air into the heating/cooling mechanics. The heated or cooled air is pushed into the many spaces through supply registers, typically located low on the wall or on the floor.

Placing furniture, appliances, or accessories over the registers will prevent the free flow of air, reducing comfort and making a room feel stuffy. It also makes the whole system work extremely hard to compensate for the restriction.

Having Commercial HVAC Problems?

Our four decades of experience as a Commercial HVAC contractor, AirPro Houston provides you with the skill and expertise to install, repair, or maintain, and resolve your Commercial HVAC Problems.

We have financing options available with great options with up to 72-month terms with approved credit. Call us today at  281-880-8805 and let us partner with you for all of your electrical repair and installation needs.

Commercial HVAC Problems

Full Service Air Conditioning & Heating, Commercial HVAC, Ductless HVAC and
Air Quality & Insulation in the North and West Houston, TX Area