5 Strategies for More Efficient Heating
Efficient Heating Solutions for Homeowners
Winter is here! The long-term forecast is for a cold winter nationwide with above-average precipitation. The cost of energy is up this year, so perhaps last winter’s strategy will be more expensive this year. It may be time to consider new strategies to both keep you warm and keep the utility bill within reason.
Here are some Efficient Heating strategies to consider:
- Program Your Furnace for Efficient Heating
Many homes already have programmable thermostats, but many homeowners have never taken the time to program their heating schedule. The Department of Energy has determined that reducing the temperature in a home for at least 8 hours will reduce the heating bill by 10 to 15%. Consider your family’s daily schedule and drop the temperature:
- When the family is asleep. Lowering the temperature from 730 to 680 from 9:30 pm to 5:30 am will lower energy use; the cooler air also makes for a comfortable night’s sleep. It will give the furnace 30 minutes to return the temperature to normal before everyone wakes up.
- When the family is away. Lowering the temperature in the same manner while the family is away at school or work. Remember to give a 30-minute warming buffer before the family returns. Know the difference between Heat Pump and Emergency Heat. If you have a hybrid system, it will include a heat pump and a furnace coil.When outdoor temperatures are above 350 F, the heat pump is the most efficient heat source. The heat pump will draw heat from the outside air. When the temperature drops below freezing, the furnace coil is more efficient. Take heat from the most efficient source possible.
- Check Your Water Heater
The factory default temperature for water heaters is typically 1400 F. This temperature is too hot for showers. If you do not add cold water, it will scold you at that setting. Lowering the temperature to 1200 F results in water that is plenty warm for bathing and cleaning and a measurable saving each month.
- Check The Attic
If you have never poked your head into the attic, it might be time to take a look around, since the majority of heat loss moves through the attic. Ideally, you should see a smooth blanket of insulation, with no ridges and valleys. The insulation should completely cover the ceiling joists to the depth of about 4 inches. If all is well, you are properly insulated. If not, you will need to add insulation to reduce heat loss.
- Seal Windows and Doors for More Efficient Heating
Often you can detect drafts around window and door frames with your hand. A source of smoke or mist will also detect air movement. Use caulk to seal gaps on the outside and weather stripping from the inside. Approximately 15% of heat loss moves around windows and doors.
- Replace Your Air Filter
A good air filter removes +90% of airborne particles, preventing them from recirculating throughout the house. Trapped dust, pollen, and dander will eventually clog the filter and reduce the airflow of your furnace. Change the filter at least every three months—more often if necessary.
- Schedule Professional Maintenance to Improve Efficient Heating
The furnace manufacturer recommends that an HVAC professional service your furnace annually. During this preventative maintenance visit, a technician will clean any dust that passed through the filter, run diagnostic tests on the electrical components, and measure the system’s efficiency. Proper care for your furnace will ensure it performs efficiently, saving money both now and for years to come.
Want to Learn More Efficient Heating Solutions for Homeowners?
Our four decades of experience as an HVAC System maintenance contractor AirPro Houston provides you with the skill and expertise to create Strategies for More Efficient Heating.
We have financing options available with great options with up to 72-month terms with approved credit. Call us today at 281-880-8805 and let us partner with you for all of your electrical repair and installation needs.