EV Home Charging

EV Home Charging Tops for EV Owners

If you have not heard, the Canadian and US governments have placed mandates on auto manufacturers to increase the production of electric vehicles (EVs). The regulations are real, which will be evident when you make your next vehicle purchase. Before making that purchase, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Vehicle Range

The most important question on car-buyer’s minds is “Will it get me where I want to go without losing charge?”

We are comfortable with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. We understand the gas gauge and fueling options are abundant (and sometimes entertaining). EV buyers need to understand the range of their vehicles.

Types of EVs

Not all EVs work function the same way.

Available EV Home Charging Options

Charging technology must advance ahead of EV battery technology, so keep researching this issue. Currently, there are three charging options available for EV owners. Here are some pros and cons for each option.

The cost for Type 1 and 2 charging depends upon the cost of energy from your public utility; a full charge costs approximately $10 to $15.

Most EV owners will use all three types of charging regularly, depending on travel patterns. It is important to learn the location of every Type 3 charging station in your vicinity and along common routes. Equally important is seriously considering installing a Type 2 charging station wherever the EV parks each night.

The Houston EV Home Charging Professionals

With our four decades of experience as a Residential Electrician Contractor, AirPro Houston provides you with the skill and expertise to help answer your EV Home Charger questions.

We have financing options available with great options with up to 72-month terms with approved credit. Call our team of Electricians at  281-880-8805 and let us partner with you for all of your electrical repair, electrical safety, Home Generator installation, and electrical installation needs.

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