Hurricane Electrical Safety – Storm Preparedness Checklist
Hurricane Electrical Safety: Preparing for Hurricane Season 2022
Major storms, including tropical storms and hurricanes, move from the south Atlantic to the North American coast and the Gulf of Mexico every year on a regular basis; most of these storms will come between early June and late November. On average, 2 major tropical storms (tropical storms, depressions, and hurricanes) make landfall each year in Texas. These storms are serious weather events that have included 63 major storms since 1851. Hurricanes pose three major dangers:
- High winds ranging between 75 mph and 150 mph
- Heavy rain: +60” of rain fell during Hurricane Harvey
- Dangerous storm surge along the coastline.
Because of these dangers, government agencies at every level encourage south Texans to prepare for the next big storm. Your plan should include preparation before the storm arrives, plans to weather the storm, and a recovery plan for the aftermath. We offer a beginning Hurricane Electrical Safety guideline for pre-storm preparation; please adapt this for your home, family, and setting.
Hurricane Electrical Safety: Plans to Go
Hurricanes are classified into five categories, with Category 1 being the least intense and Category 5 being the most intense storm. Your pre-storm guideline should take all 5 categories into consideration.
- Recognize the difference between a Storm Watch and a Storm Warning. Since a hurricane does not announce ahead of time where it will make landfall, a broad area receives a Watch—calling on residents to be ready should they be in the path of the storm. A Warning is issued immediately before the storm breaks to the coastal area that will receive the storm.
- Make specific plans to communicate a plan for gathering quickly—from work, school, or daycare—leave no doubts about when or where.
- Become familiar with the designated Evacuation Routes. Should you need to leave your home for the safety of an inland location, these routes will be the safest roads for evacuating. Understand that you will not be alone in evacuating the area.
Hurricane Electrical Safety: Plans to Stay
Hurricanes are serious storms and power outages are to be expected. Damage to power poles and lines will be widespread and no one can predict how long the outage will last. For this reason, you must gather supplies.
- Purchase and store bottled water for your family for an extended time—at least one week.
- Purchase and store a food supply for your family, food that requires little or no preparation—as the power outage may limit your means of preparation.
- Purchase an adequate supply of medicine and other essential needs to make sure your family can be sustained.
Hurricane Electrical Safety: Prepare Your Home
Such storms are predictable—expect high winds and heavy rains; but the amount of damage from such storms is unpredictable. Prepare your home to minimize damage.
- If you are expecting high winds and heavy rain, make sure that:
- Tree limbs are properly trimmed to avoid damaging your home
- Clean leaves and debris from storm gutters
- Secure lawn furnishing to keep them from causing damage
- Make sure that key technologies are fully charged, including cell phones, portable chargers, and laptop computers.
- Secure important documents in waterproof storage, including insurance policies.
- If you are content to stay and weather the storm, consider installing a generator to power the essential appliances and lighting to make your family as comfortable as possible during a trying time.
Have Additional Questions About Hurricane Electrical Safety?
Our four decades of experience as a Houston Electrician and contractor AirPro Houston provides you with the skill and expertise to help with Hurricane Electrical Safety for your home and business.
We have financing options available with great options with up to 72-month terms with approved credit. Call us today at 281-880-8805 and let us partner with you for all of your electrical repair and installation needs.